
Welcome to our living archive, documenting and drawing from diverse wisdoms in regards to today's environmental challenges. Hope you have a nice stay!

Applying Science and Wisdom (Mike Gaworecki, Tero Mustonen)

Applying Science and Wisdom (Mike Gaworecki, Tero Mustonen)

Here Tero Mustonen, climate scientist and executive director of SnowChange, a nonprofit dedicated to protecting the indigenous nations of the Artic, talks about how traditional knowledge is informing climate science. Click audio below to listen to this short interview. 

“Science is not too different from traditional knowledge. 
Both are trying to understand nature, this planet, what’s going on, 
and what are the messages we get from the fish, the birds, animals, 
wildlife, plants, and the whole biosphere.”

Original post by Mongabay. 
Photos by UN University.  


New Values, New Communities (Chris Searles)

New Values, New Communities (Chris Searles)

Maybe This is Something That Can Be Shared (Mary Plate DeJong)

Maybe This is Something That Can Be Shared (Mary Plate DeJong)