
Welcome to our living archive, documenting and drawing from diverse wisdoms in regards to today's environmental challenges. Hope you have a nice stay!

Gratitude for the Creation

Gratitude for the Creation

Shared by Rev. Dr. Sid Hall
Poem by Diane di Prima.

O Lady
the hem of whose garment
is the sky, whose grace
falls from her glance, who gives
life from the touch of one finger
O Lady
whose hair is the willow, whose breath
is the river song, who lopes
thru the milky way, baying, stars
going out, O
Lady whose death shed hols a thousand eyes
eye sockets black imploded stars, who trails
frail as a northern virgin on the mist, O
Lady fling your bright drops to us, emblems
of your love, throw
your green scarf on the battered earth once more
O smile, disrobe for us, unveil
your eyes



From the book, Loba (1973). 
More about Diane in this documentary

Be More Than Thankful

Be More Than Thankful

Gratitude for Food

Gratitude for Food